CIEDI Alumni


Trascender significa ir más allá de lo esperado, dejar una huella profunda y positiva en la sociedad. Nuestros egresados tienen el potencial para trascender, para marcar la diferencia y generar transformaciones positivas.

No importa cuál sea su campo de estudio o su profesión, cada uno tiene algo único, valioso e irrepetible que aportar al mundo. Ya sea como líderes, emprendedores, innovadores y como personas íntegras y comprometidas, los egresados CIEDI marcan la diferencia.


Conoce nuestros perfiles:

Quiénes han alcanzado los más grandes reconocimientos a nivel educativo

Se destacan en el mundo de las artes: música, cine, teatro, danza, fotografía, pintura, escultura, ilustración.

Su trabajo inspira a generar transformaciones positivas a nivel social, ambiental y/o económico. 


Se destacan en campos como: ciencias naturales, ingeniería, diseño, y/o innovación tecnológica. 



Diego Lozano

Class of 1991

Industrial Engineer of Los Andes University MBA in business administration from Kansas State University. Campo Capital company founder.

“CIEDI helped me shape myself as a positive, disciplined person willing to face challenges, and above all, happy”.

María Paula Giraldo

Class 2013

Administradora de empresas de la Universidad de los Andes.  Magister en Negocios internacionales de la Universidad de Toulose. Fundadora de G Lounge y Oda Restaurante

"El CIEDI cultivo en mi una visión internacional de explorar otras partes del mundo, y reconocer los valores las diferentes culturas."


Veronica Durán

Class of 2007

Microbiologist of the Los Andes University, Master’s degree from Technical University of Dresden, Germany, in Molecular Bioengineering. PhD in Microbiology and Immunology from the Hanover Medicine School.

“CIEDI instilled resourcefulness on us; if something didn’t work we would look for other options. They developed our skills in several areas to find solutions”.

Luis Eduardo Alzate

Class of 2007

Industrial Designer of Los Andes University, Worked at CIEDI as a teacher and currently he is a Design and Technology teacher in an IB school in Hong Kong.

“At CIEDI I learned the students’ wellbeing is very important”.


Class of 2005

Julián Manrique

Professional in audiovisual media with an emphasis in film direction and production. Studied at the ‘Politecnico Gran Colombiano’ and at ORT University in Montevideo, Uruguay.

“CIEDI is a great ramp of self-awareness that allows you to choose the path to follow not only at a professional level but on a personal level also”.

María Esther Panesso

Class of 2005

Professional in law and International Business Administration: during the pandemic, she unleashed her love for art and found an unexpected success.

“At CIEDI I learned the students’ wellbeing is very important”.

Juan Esteban González

Class of 2013

Graduate from the USFQ College of Music from Berklee’s International Network in Quito, Ecuador. Music Producer, Founder of RT60 Artist Company.

“In my college, almost 200 student got admitted in the contemporary music career and 12 graduated. The rigor and discipline that I got from CIEDI and IB gave me the tools to stay seated for 5, 8, up to 10 hours daily to study my instrument individually, to listen and analyze music, to read harmonics and orchestration, to understand new digital instruments and synthesizers outside of the university’s curriculum”.

Impacto Social

Daniel Garzón

Class of 2007

Graduate in Public Management and Administration from the University of Barcelona. Master in Diplomacy and Public Service at the University of Barcelona. Master in International Public Law.

“The strictness at school was crucial for the development of what I am as a person and as a professional”.

Liliana Peñuela

Class of 2005

Anthropologist and history master from Los Andes University. Researcher, professor, columnist and writer.

“CIEDI left me with Love for learning and for knowledge”.

Ciencia y Tecnología

Manuela Morales

Class of 2013

She obtained double degree in Aerospace and Mechanical engineering from the Central university of Florida. Currently she works for Rivian as a Battery manufacturing engineer.

“The teachers at CIEDI truly dedicate to create didactic material that remains impregnated in your brain for a long time”.

Sebastián Fonseca

Class of 2013

Biomedical Engineer from Arizona State University, currently a candidate to PHD at Texas University.

“At CIEDI they encourage you to be better and go beyond was is taught”.

Class of 2011

Laura Durán

Ingeniera mécanica de la Universidad de Los Andes. Maestría en Energías renovables con especialización en energías eólicas.

"El CIEDI me inspiró a dar lo máximo en cada proyecto y meta que me propongo".

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