Academic Graduations
IB Academic Graduations
Clara Gutiérrez de Palacios - Fundadora del Colegio Internacional de Educación Integral - CIEDI

“We have shaped upright young people who serve society. They are citizens of the world because they learn from other cultures, exchange knowledge, build bridges, unite, lead and enroll. Several generations have passed through CIEDI classrooms. Many of our alumni cure patients, work at great companies or create their own, are leaders in their communities and deliver welfare to others, parting from  law, to sports or consulting.”

 Clara Gutiérrez de Palacios.  

The alumni of CIEDI are upright human beings who value other people and their communities. They are individuals full of principles, who learned to respect differences and see the opportunity in them to build a better world.

They are people who learned from school that with passion and discipline, success can be reached and what is most important in the working world is ethics. They perform in different fields going from engineering, law, medicine, social sciences, arts and sports. They are leaders on their teams, proactive and critical in their disciplines.

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