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Who we are

Our school was founded in 1997. We are a co-educational, bilingual-with a third language- International Baccalaureate School. We provide holistic and individualized education, as well as innovative pedagogies like Nature’s classroom and Integrated STEM.

At CIEDI, we inspire to transform!

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CIEDI Certifications

A pioneer in international baccalaureate program implementation since 2006, we provide 3 certifications for each school section (IB continuum).

PYP is the beginning of an unforgettable learning journey for life. This programme educates girls and boys from 3 to 12 years old to be supportive, inquirers and aware of different cultures and capable of actively participating in their own learning process.

Once a solid academic baseline is built, the MYP develops confidence in our students to manage their own learning process with autonomy, and to establish connections between the classroom and the real world.

This programme enhances an inquiring mentality and the learning desire to prepare students to initiate their plans for life in a meaningful way, in a global context.

We recognize each human being as unique and irreplaceable. That is why we develop an individualized educational curriculum that boosts our students skills, so they can develop the best version of themselves and so they can build their life projects, according to the  needs of the real world.


Average number of students per classroom


Proportion of students per teacher




Square meters in Van der Hammen Natural reserve plus 2 countryside campuses in Cota and Tenjo.


Languages: Spanish, English and French

Student’s Life

We inspire transformations together to contribute to the world based on our values: autonomy, honesty, solidarity, commitment and respect

Four Houses, One Family

Creativity, Action and Service

CIEDI Testimonies

Manuela Morales
Manuela MoralesGraduate class 2013
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I felt a great honor, but especially when I received my IB diploma, I felt a great relief. I never imagined the amount of doors that would open for me in the future.
Ernesto Campos
Ernesto CamposDiploma Program Coordinator
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CIEDI inspires me to be a more dedicated professional towards my community, my students and to innovate each year.
Juliana Beltrán
Juliana BeltránEleventh grade student
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The greatest contribution CIEDI has given me is the development of enough self-management skills to manage my time, to balance my time for my studies and my hobbies like sports.
Simón Lara
Simón LaraEleventh grade student
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In terms of values CIEDI has had a great contribution to my education. It has taught me to shape myself as a person that relates with others in a critical and respectful way.
María Cristina Mejía
María Cristina MejíaCIEDI parent
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I really like the house school team, I like that the children are recognized by their strengths, and I love the parent community we have created and the support we have built together.
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