
In a world full of challenges is crucial to pay attention to welfare and health of our boys, girls and teenagers

At CIEDI School, we recognize the importance at cultivating an environment that fosters wellbeing and emotional growth of our students, and in general of all the members who integrate this learning community (students, families, teachers and management team). 

How do we understand the concept of wellbeing?

Formacion holistica desarrollo emocional fisico intelectual

We understand the concept of wellbeing as the holistic balance between body, mind, emotions and spirituality. For this reason, at CIEDI we are committed with actions, programs and strategies for general wellbeing of all our community.

The welfare, promotion and human development department (BIPRODEHU) is leading this goal conformed by a team of psychologists who work to promote socio-emotional wellbeing of our community.  

Get to know the wellbeing programs for our community:


Our students

We seek the best strategies to enhance the wellbeing of our students, constantly. Discover some of our initiatives.

Bienestar con nuestros docente y profesores

Our teachers

We support our teachers in their professional and personal development processes through different preparations and through instances that promote listening and accompaniment.

Bienestar con nuestras familias

Our families

We work with parents to enhance the Home-School team through different instances for education.

Bienestar con nuestros colaboradores

Our staff

The human talent team promotes activities focused in the promotion of a comprehensive health for all school staff.


Adriana Patiño

Coexisting and wellbeing coordinator 

Diana Alonso

Pre-school to 3rd grade Psychologist

Johanna Carrillo

4th to 6th grades psychologist 

Ana María Mojica

Psicóloga de 7° a 9°

Mariana Maz

Highschool Psychologist

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