

Human Rights Education

Los estudiantes de décimo grado llevaron a cabo una exposición en la que presentaron diferentes casos de violación de derechos humanos en el mundo. Juan Diego Cantor, docente de Individuos y Sociedades, nos explica el objetivo de esta actividad:

As a final project for this term, students of Global Politics created an awareness campaign focused on discussing human rights violations. They analyzed several cases of study from countries including El Salvador, China, and Iran, and shared posters and infographics to raise awareness about international issues. Additionally, they reflected on how to take action at a local level to address these issues.

Is important to add that human rights education is essential for promoting social justice and equality. It can empower individuals and communities to advocate for their rights, demand accountability from governments and institutions, and participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives. By equipping students with the tools and resources to defend their own rights and the rights of others, human rights education can help to create a more just and equitable world. 

Juan Diego Cantor / Global Politics MYP-DP

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