Programa del Diploma

Preparation for college life through a high quality educational experience.

High School

Our high school program is designed to concrete a holistic preparation of our students on ages 15 to 18 years old, inspiring them to make a lifestyle out of learning.

See below how CIEDI establishes an authentic program, according to students own interests:

Preparation for college/University

The International baccalaureate diploma program of CIEDI is worldwide recognized for guarantying a solid preparation for college and professional future. With IB (International baccalaureate) and ‘Pruebas Saber’ exams, our students secure their admission to higher education in Colombia and in different countries of the world.

Comprehensive approach

We look for a balance between affection and stringency. All our students sign in to the Diploma program, which allows them to access to quality education and academic adaptability.

High level infrastructure

We foster an environment of stimulating learning, thanks to specialized rooms for science laboratories, design technology, computer sciences and art, as well as a modern STEM classroom. We also count with wide green spaces, soccer fields, and multi-purpose courts to practice sports and relax.

Leadership development and social participation

We promote leadership and the active participation of or Diploma students, through the planning of social events, student government and the captaincy of the schools’ four houses. These allows them to explore ad maximize their abilities and skills in diverse contexts.

Commitment with the community and social service

Our CAS program (Creativity, Activity and Service) complies with the national requirement of social service and transcends when contributing towards the needs of today and tomorrow’s society. Students participate in projects and activities structured to benefit of their integral formation, as well as to benefit of our internal and external community.

Career counseling and individualized monitoring

Our career and vocational counseling program is guided by the section psychologist, who accompanies our students on their well-being and comprehensive preparation, ensuring they reach their maximum potential.

We recognize the importance of providing an education that adapts to the interests and goals of each one of our students.

Therefore we offer a wide variety of subjects in six different subject groups which contribute towards future professional and vocational projection, which allows them to design their own educational path:

Group 1

Language studies

  • Spanish A
  • Language and literature
  • English A

Group 2

Language acquisition

  • English B
  • French B
  • Spanish B

Group 3

Individuals and societies

  • History
  • Economics
  • Psychology
  • Global politics

Group 4


  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Design technology

Group 5


  • Analysis and approaches
  • Aplications and interpretation

Group 6

Arts and options

  • Visual arts
  • Elective of groups 2,3 and 4: French, Psychology and Biology

This wide selection of subjects allows our students to explore a variety of academic fields and develop their skills in topics they are passionate about. In addition, they have the possibility of taking courses of higher and medium levels, to have the flexibility to tailor their academic options according to their strengths and objectives, which respond to their unique needs.

The high school program is a CIEDI authentic platform for the academic, personal development and career counseling of our students. We are committed with providing an education of quality which prepares them to face challenges of society with confidence and assertiveness.

¡At CIEDI we believe that education is more than just learning: is a journey of auto discovering and growth!

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