The competition revolves around five concepts, represented by the 5 “Es” of the event:
In 2024, the first interschool STEM competition for human-powered vehicles was held in Colombia, organized by our CIEDI School. E5 Challenge – Energy Race is more than just a competition; it is a learning experience for girls, boys, and young people where the engineering design process is applied to real-world problems.
In its first edition, the 4th and 5th-grade participants faced the challenge of building a human-powered vehicle or Pushcart, supported by their teachers and families.
The participating teams attended three workshops conducted by the CIEDI’s advising teachers, where they applied the engineering design cycle to create their vehicles, which had additional requirements such as being made from recycled materials.
The vehicles were tested on speed and versatility tracks in a specially designed circuit at our school. Additionally, there was an exhibition and presentation that were evaluated by the judges.
In 2025, we anticipate the second edition of this exciting competition. We will compete in two categories:
The competition revolves around five concepts, represented by the 5 “Es” of the event:
The competition marks a significant milestone in the history of CIEDI because it sets us apart among schools with innovative STEM-integrated learning experiences. Combined with the STEM certification from Cognia, it places us at the forefront in Colombia and Latin America.
Our principal Felipe Palacios envisions that this innovative experience will involve both public and private schools in Colombia that are passionate about the STEM learning approach.
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