With our students

Projects and programs implemented with the students

At CIEDI we are constantly looking for the best strategies to maximize our students’ wellbeing. Find out more about some of our initiatives. 

Our students - programs and projects to enhance well-being - CIEDI

Individualized Follow-up

  • Individualized follow-up involves a set of actions and strategies that constitute one of the essential aspects of the school’s value promise.  It requires the recognition of each student as a unique and irreplaceable human being; and the need to attend to them a whole people with cognitive, physical, and emotional dimensions.  

  • We seek to develop a deep understanding of each student’s strengths, likes needs, learning rhythms, execution times and processes, to generate the best strategies in attending their needs and potentializing their aptitudes.  
  • As well as social-emotional strategies BIPRODEHU supports students too in academic areas participating in meetings between students, parents, section coordinators and Group directors.  Psychologists also meet with the teachers in each level every cycle to discuss academic matters.  

Individualized Attention

  • To favor their whole development, we implement individual meetings with students to support them with their academic, behavioral, or social-emotional processes according to their particular needs.

Integration Hours

  • In the Schedule for each class, from Pre-K to Grade Eleven, there are two lessons per cycle for the Integration Hour, a lesson where the social-emotional development of students and the improvement of a positive classroom climate are promoted.  This is done to favor cooperative coexistence and a healthy harmonic atmosphere between students.   

To meet these objectives we use the following programs:

Paso a paso (Step by step) :

From the World Bank a program designed to develop social-emotional skills 

A program developed by the World Bank in conjunction with experts in social-emotional development.  This instrument is recognized the world over as one of the best strategies to effectively promote competences for life in the school context.

This toolbox of didactic activities focuses on six aptitudes:



Social Conscience

Assertive Communication


Responsible decision making

Preventive Program of the Collective Foundation - Consented - Parental involvement and strengthening in family protective factors

Hi 5: A model designed by CIEDI for the Integration Hour.

  • This conversation space is oriented towards the promotion of a positive classroom environment.  Through a conversation guided by the Group director, students evaluate issues or situations that they are facing.  During these conversations teachers support and encourage students to tackle situations and find solution options by putting social-emotional aptitudes into practice.  

  • Durante estos encuentroslos docentes ayudan y animan a los estudiantes a abordar la situación y a encontrar alternativas para su solución, poniendo en práctica competencias socioemocionales.  

Retreats and Camps

  • With the objective of strengthening social-emotional skills, students develop three dimensions: Intrapersonal (learn to be), Emotional (learn to feel), and Interpersonal (learn to live together).  These activities are led by the section psychologist with the support of group directors.  
  • All classes from PreKinder up participate in the retreats whilst the camps take place in the final year of each section: Grades Transition, Five, Nine, and Eleven.
  • These activities take place in CIEDI’s external campuses in the nearby towns of Cota y Tenjo. 


Orientation and Life Projects

  • The Orientation and Life Proyects program at CIEDI is based on personal values, understood as the way in which someone wishes to be remembered, represented through concrete actions.  Likewise, we contemplate the skills, characteristics, and personality traits of the individual necessary in making conscious and efficient decisions. Although we emphasize professional decision-making, we also focus on, personal fulfillment and the meaning of life.This conversation space is oriented towards the promotion of a positive classroom environment.  Through a conversation guided by the Group director, students evaluate issues or situations that they are facing.  During these conversations teachers support and encourage students to tackle situations and find solution options by putting social-emotional aptitudes into practice.  

  • Vocational activities and professional orientation compliment activities with participation in different events, fairs (national and international), talks and expert panels, as well as individual and group counseling for applications to national and international universities. We advise students on the application and participation in pre-university summer camps with prestigious institutions such as Stanford University, Yale and California at Berkeley.

Prevention program: Consentidos

  • For the past eleven years CIEDI has implemented the preventative program from “La Fundación Colectivo Aquí y Ahora” denominated “Consentidos” with the objective of raising student awareness to the risks of consuming alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs.  The program seeks to increase parental involvement and to ferment protection factors within families.  The program is founded on personal freedom, responsibility and making meaning from life.  The program is developed from Grades Five to Nine.  

Sexuality Program

  • The Sex Education and Affectivity Program provides a concrete response to the needs and concerns of children and adolescents, according to their stage of socio-emotional development. BIPRODEHU, as the facilitating department for this process, guides student work through a pedagogical and educational approach encouraging personal and group reflection with frank, honest and affective attitudes.

  • The objective of the program is to provide timely, clear and truthful information that allows students to grow as integral human beings, with their own essence and sexuality; strengthening self-knowledge and the expression of feelings and emotions; demonstrating the ability to make decisions in their emotional lives and assume coherent ethical behavior; grow in the ability to build community through human relationships; and to achieve an understanding of emotional and sexual life.

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